Sunday, May 23, 2010

What Happens When

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When does puberty start? When does it end? When will I have a growth spurt? When will my breasts grow? When will my voice change? When will I have my first period? When will my penis grow?

Puberty is the process of developing secondary sexual characteristics that lead to the body's ability to reproduce. Simply stated, you're going to notice changes in your body and it means you're entering "adulthood." It can be a scary time and it's normal to have questions. To help you understand what will happen and when, we've created a guide of the average times for normal developmental events. However, it's important to remember that there is a very wide range of normal times for development. Just because you're starting to see a change now that on average would have happened a year earlier or later according to our guide, doesn't mean you're not developing properly. If, after reading this information, you have questions about your growth, talk to your parents or your doctor about it.

Choose a category: Boys * Girls

Some healthy boys begin changes of puberty as early as age 9, while others don't start until age 14! On AVERAGE, boys take 3 ¼ years to go completely though the physical changes of puberty, with a range of 2 to 4 ½ years.

Puberty is a time of very rapid physical growth. The AVERAGE boy will grow 11 inches during his years of pubertal growth spurt!

Along with the physical changes that take place, emotional changes occur as well. Mood swings, easy anger, and low frustration tolerance are common. This emotional roller-coaster ride may last longer than the physical development takes. The length of time can vary depending on the age that the mood swings began to occur.

Age Guide - choose a category:
11 ½ - 12 * 12-12 ½ * 12 ½ - 13 * 13 - 13 ½ * 13 ½ - 14 * 14-15 * 15-16 * 16-17

11 ½ -12
Enlargement of the testicles is the FIRST PHYSICAL SIGN of puberty in boys. When the testicles measure more than one inch in length, puberty has begun! This usually starts at ages 11 ½ to 12, but may begin as early as age 9 to 9 ½. The right testis is usually larger than the left testis, and the left testis usually sits lower in the scrotum than the right. Shortly after enlargement of the testicles is seen, the penis starts to grow, increasing in size from its pre-pubertal length of about two inches.

For more information:
# Growing Up as a Boy
# Just for Guys – All About Puberty
# Why are my feet so huge?

Return to Normal Development in Boys.

12 - 12 ½
Pubic hair growth starts at about this time (or occasionally somewhat earlier) with a small amount of hair at the base of the penis. The hair gradually becomes darker, thicker and curlier and spreads upward and outward. Underarm hair and "adult" underarm odor also usually begin to develop at about this time.

For more information:
# Growing Up as a Boy
# Just for Guys – All About Puberty
# What is the purpose of armpit hair and pubic hair?
# Why is my genital hair curly?

Return to Normal Development in Boys.

12 ½-13
Many boys notice some localized breast tissue enlargement at about this time. A firm "knot," which is often tender, forms underneath the nipple. This may occur on just one side or may start on one side then develop on both sides. This breast enlargement is normal and may last up to two years in boys, then it resolves.

For more information:
# Growing Up as a Boy
# Just for Guys – All About Puberty
# I am a boy and it looks like I am growing breasts. What is happening?

Return to Normal Development in Boys.

13-13 ½
The penis continues to grow at this age. Pubic hair spreads upward and outward. The body begins to gain weight and increase in height at a faster pace. Boys may experience nocturnal emissions - also known as "wet dreams."

For more information:
# Growing Up as a Boy
# Just for Guys – All About Puberty
# The Normal Penis
# The Truth About Masturbation
# I am a 13-year-old boy. I don't have wet dreams. Am I developing normally?

Return to Normal Development in Boys.

13 ½ -14
A boy is USUALLY growing his fastest at age 14. This is called the "peak height velocity." At this time the AVERAGE boy is growing at a rate of 3 ¾ to 4 inches a year!

For more information:
# Growth Calculator
# Growth Charts
# Is it possible to have two growth spurts if you are a male?
# Can drinking coffee or tea stunt your growth?
# What can I do to make me grow?

Return to Normal Development in Boys.

While voice changes can occur as early as age 12, most boys experience deepening of the voice between the ages of 14 and 15. Facial acne may appear. As the boy approaches his 15th birthday, facial hair also develops.

For more information:
# Take a Sensible Approach to Acne
# Top Ten Acne Myths
# If you shave (facial) more, does that mean the hair will grow quicker?
# For an average boy, when does his voice change and how low can it become?

Return to Normal Development in Boys.

Most boys reach adult penile length by this age. The average "gently stretched" penile length in a male at age 16 is 4 ¾ inches, but there is a WIDE RANGE of normal! Most adult testicles measure about 2 inches in length. Pubic hair now covers the symphysis pubis and has spread to the inside of the thighs.

For more information:
# The Normal Penis
# The Truth About Masturbation
# Just for Guys – All About Puberty
# Growing Up as a Boy
# Does masturbation increase the size of the penis? If not, what does?
# Is there anything I can do to make my penis grow and what is a normal penis size for a teenager?
# I'm uncircumcised. Why is it important to pull back the foreskin at the tip every time you urinate?

Return to Normal Development in Boys.

Most boys have reached their adult height by this age, although some normal "late bloomers" are still growing. Even though the physical height that a boy reaches at this age may be his final adult height, emotional growth and increasing control over emotional swings continues throughout the teenage years and into the 20s.

For more information:
# Growth Calculator
# Growth Charts
# Learn About Height
# How do we know if we have completed puberty?

Return to Normal Development in Boys.

The timing of puberty in girls can vary considerably. Some normal girls have changes of puberty as early as 8 years of age, while others do not begin their adolescent development until age 13. African American girls may have earlier pubertal changes than Caucasian girls, particularly the growth of pubic hair. Girls usually take 3 to 3 ½ years to complete their pubertal development, but this process may occur over as little as 2 years or take 5 to 6 years to complete!

Along with the physical changes that take place, emotional changes occur as well. Mood swings, easy anger and loss of emotional control are common. The emotional turbulence may last longer than the time span of physical development.

Age Guide - choose a category:
10 ½-11 * 11-12 * 12-13 * 14-15

10 ½ -11
Most girls begin puberty with breast enlargement, but some start with the appearance of pubic hair. Growth of breast tissue usually begins with the development of a small, tender "knot" just beneath the nipple. This may appear first on one side then on the other, or on both sides at the same time. These tender lumps are called "breast buds."

For more information:
# Growing Up as a Girl
# Budding Breasts in Females
# When do you know you've started puberty?
# Is breast size hereditary?

Return to Normal Development in Girls.

The average girl begins pubic hair development between ages 11 and 12, usually within about six months of starting breast development. The hair begins along the lips of the vagina (labia majora), becomes darker, courser and curlier, and spreads upward onto the pubic mound (symphysis pubis.)

For more information:
# Growing Up as a Girl
# Is it harmful to shave around the vaginal area?
# Besides showing you've entered puberty, what is the purpose of armpit hair and pubic hair?
# Why is my genital hair curly?

Return to Normal Development in Girls.

The typical girl experiences her pubertal growth spurt at this time. Her fastest growth, called the "peak height velocity," usually occurs at approximately 12 years of age, just before her periods start. Body fat accumulation increases and more fat is distributed on the hips. Further breast enlargement is seen. Underarm hair and odor develop, and some girls develop acne.

Under the influence of estrogen from the ovaries, the uterus enlarges and begins to secrete a mucous discharge. Most girls begin their cycles of menstrual bleeding around 12 ½, about two years after the first appearance of breast buds; however, there is considerable variation in the timing of when a girl's menstrual cycle starts. Periods are often very irregular for the first year after they begin because ovulation (release of an egg from the ovary) may not occur for 12 to 18 months. The AVERAGE girl grows about 2 inches after starting her menstrual period, but this may range from 1 to 6 inches.

For more information:
# Growing Up as a Girl
# What to Expect with Menstruation
# Deciding to Use Tampons
# Sports Conditioning and Its Impact on Menstruation
# Growth Charts
# Learn About Height
# How fast is menstrual flow?
# What does PMS mean?
# I haven't had my period yet. Am I normal?
# Can drinking coffee or tea stunt your growth?
# What can I do to make me grow?

Return to Normal Development in Girls.

The nipples may be elevated on a secondary mound on top of the breasts as they continue to enlarge. By age 15, MOST girls have achieved almost full adult breast size and have reached their adult heights. Menstrual periods now occur every month and girls may notice soreness in the breasts and crampy, lower abdominal pain before they get their period. Although the physical growth of girls is typically completed by age 15, the emotional roller coaster, which is normal during the adolescent stages of development, usually continues through the teenage years and into the 20s.

For more information:
# Growth Charts
# Growth Calculator
# Learn About Height
# Budding Breasts in Females
# Take a Sensible Approach to Acne
# Top Ten Acne Myths
# Is it true that your breasts get larger when you go on the pill?
# My breasts are different sizes. Is this normal?
# At what age should a teenage girl start having breast exams?
# I have inverted nipples. Can I do anything about it?
# I have large nipples. Is this normal?

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